Saturday, February 22, 2020

Business ethics and environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business ethics and environment - Assignment Example It also strongly advocated for the principle that companies should embark on fair pricing so as to improve the economy and attract investment. In addition, it advocated for employees by stating that they should be respected and treated with high regard. It believed that by doing this then one would increase employee output and reliability. This would in return amount to better quality work done. Subsequently, the company will make returns. The prime problem of this assumption is that the employee may fail to deliver when they feel that respect for them lacks. Indeed, Shareholder Value Management and Stakeholder value management are quite different in aspect. Shareholder Value Management stresses more on the principle of profitability over responsibility, and the organizations are seen as tools that are to rake in profits. On the other hand, Stakeholder Value Management believes in the principles of responsibility for profitability (Denning, 2014). While Shareholder Value Management deals more with issues targeting at how a corporation can manage to rake in more profit, Stakeholder Value Management seek to deal with the main issues, which hamper effective productivity. Additionally, it offers to bring solutions, which can improve the overall situation. Focusing on profitability seeks to look for short-term solutions that will ensure quick profits. The prime focus of the former is to concentrate on profit margins, while the latter digs deeper and seeks to offer practical solutions to these issues at hand (Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2015). The s atisfaction of the employees and the clients as well is the priority of the latter while the former seeks to please the bigwigs with impressive figures. The major issues leading to failure of the Shareholder Value Maximization were that the emphasis was placed on returns, and this resulted in a workforce, which was not producing results as per the expected outcomes.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Leadership and Management as Some of the Most Important Aspects of the Essay

Leadership and Management as Some of the Most Important Aspects of the Organizational Structure - Essay Example The researcher states that leadership refers to the process by which an individual has the ability to enlist the support of others so as to accomplish a common task. Management, on the other hand, is described as the process of getting resources together to enable one to accomplish a certain task. According to F.T Taylor, management is â€Å"the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done the best and cheapest way†. The management process comprises of organizing, planning, directing, staffing and controlling an entity so as to attain a certain objective. Some researchers have identified differences between leadership and management. Warren Bennis listed a number of differences between the two. The first of these differences was that a manager maintains and administers while a leaders work is to develop and innovate. He also said that while the manager is a copy, a leader is an original. Managers mostly focus on systems and structure while the leader†™s focus is on the people. While managers rely on control and imitating, the leader originates and inspires trust. Management is characterized by short-term views while it is the exact opposite when it comes to leadership. The basic duty of management is to do things right while for leadership, it is to dot he right thing. Although these differences exist between leadership and management, the two must go hand in hand so as to ensure maximum efficiency within an organization. The subject of leadership and management has attracted much attention from researchers who have identified different approaches to the two. Most of these approaches are quite significant and relevant in today’s world as will be discussed in this paper. An important theory of leadership is Bass Theory which states that the way people become leaders can be explained in three basic points. The first is that certain personality traits may naturally lead people to leadership roles. This is also called the T rait theory. An important occurrence or crisis may cause a person to exhibit leadership qualities never seen before. This is also referred to as the Great Events Theory. The third point is that a person people can choose to become a leader in learning leadership skills.